Friday, August 23, 2019


Welcome to our blog!  We at Women of Physics want this to be a place where you can further examine what's going on at the site, in our community and have a place where you can also contribute.
We will have guest contributors, advice and things to share each month as we grow to include our readership and members options to invest in Women of Physics!

Each mind works differently and this is something to celebrate!  This blog will be a place where our community can meet more informally and discuss many topics--from applying to college and scholarships to sharing why physics became our passion (or one of them!).  This will also be a space for active discussion of current events, things happening in the field, and also fun topics like recipes, life hacks, and where to get those blinged out safety glasses and lab coats!

We want to have a functional space that encourages creativity and honesty.  Let's invest in each other, thereby investing in ourselves.  We can make our community strong, vibrant and supportive.

Let's Do IT, Women of Physics, as no other people can!

How Psychology Can Reduce the Achievement Gap for Women in STEM

How Psychology Can Reduce the Achievement Gap for Women in STEM by Sarah D. Herrmann, Weber State University             In h...